
Monday, 1 November 2010

Media Skills Audit - Albie Thurkle 12G

1.       I work well as a part of a team.   3
2.       I work better independently.   2
3.       I am confident that I can recognise the audience of various media texts.   2
4.       I am confident that I can recognise representation in various media texts.   3
5.       I am confident that I can research the institutions involved in the creation of various media texts.   3
6.       I am confident that I can replicate the production practices of various media texts.   3
7.       I am confident that I can recognise the narrative of various media texts.   4
8.       I am confident that I can recognise the genre of various media texts.   5
9.       I am confident that I can analyse the audience of various media texts.   3
10.    I am confident that I can analyse representation in various media texts.   4
11.    I am confident that I can analyse the institutions involved in the creation of various media texts.   2
12.    I am confident that I can analyse the production practices of various media texts.   3
13.    I am confident that I can analyse the narrative of various media texts.   3
14.    I am confident that I can analyse the genre of various media texts.   4

Brief 1 Print:

1.       I am skilled at using desktop publishing software like Publisher.   5
2.       I have a lot of experience in taking digital photographs.   1
3.       I am proficient at manipulating images and text in Publisher.   3
4.       I have a lot of practise of using photographic software like photoshop.   3
5.       I read a lot of magazines.   1
6.       I have designed magazines before.   1
7.       I have a good knowledge of what looks good on a page.   3
8.       I am a good writer.   4
9.       I know the terminology of magazines and newspapers thoroughly.   2
10.    I am confident I know the names of the different shot types and camera angles well.   3

Brief 2 Video:

1.       I am adept at using a digital camcorder.   1
2.       I have made videos before.   2
3.       I have used editing software like Windows Moviemaker many times.   1
4.       I am aware of the terminology of video editing.   2
5.       I watch a lot of different types of film.   4
6.       I am confident I know the names of the different shot types and camera angles well.   4
7.       I am good at scriptwriting.   3
8.       I am a proficient storyboarder.   3
9.       I have acted in front of an audience many times.   2
10.    I am confident I could recruit actors to play parts in short films.   3

Brief 3 Audio:

1.       I listen to the radio often.   1
2.       I have used audio recording software before.   1
3.       I am interested in music.   3
4.       I make my own music (including DJing).   1
5.       I have acted in front of an audience many times.   2
6.       I have listened to many different types of radio show including soap opera.   2
7.       I am confident I could recruit actors to play parts on a radio show.   2

Brief 4 Website:

1.       I use the internet for many different purposes.   5
2.       I am skilled at using desktop publishing software like Publisher.   3
3.       I am proficient at manipulating images and text in Publisher.   3
4.       I have a good knowledge of what looks good on a page.   3
5.       I have a lot of experience in taking digital photographs.   1
6.       I have a lot of practise of using photographic software like Photoshop.   2
7.       I am proficient at creating digital video.   2
8.       I have created or added to websites before.   3

The Presentation of the Research:

1.       I am confident I can use PowerPoint effectively.   5
2.       I often add to online blogs or forums.   2
3.       I have used audio visual software to create podcasts before.   1

The Evaluation of the Research:

15.    I am organised and keep an effective record of my work.   3
16.    I am good at recognising my own strengths.   4

My Skills Audit

A personal skills audit has allowed me to focus on my strengths and weaknesses in media.  My strengths lie in a number of key areas.  I am able to analyse a number of images (moving and still) and focus on the genre, the meanings created by the artist, mise-en-scene, body language, facial expressions and how these things create meaning and then developing my analysis further. Also I can use programmes such as PowerPoint

The things I need to improve on is taking digital pictures I am not experienced in taking photos with a digital camera, and have never experienced using photoshop or moviemaker, I am not a independent worker which means I need to improve on my individual skills, I take longer to finish a task of because I take longer to think and work out how to organise my work so I need more knowledge on taking photos, using programmes such as photoshop and moviemaker and becoming more independent.